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Welcome to

The Helper's Hub

Where marketing isn’t just pretty words and ​pictures. It’s an experience that moves people ​into transformation

You’re a genius at what you do

But maybe turning your ideas into actual posts, getting content ​created and uploaded while running and scaling your business is ​incredibly ungrounding. There’s gotta be a solution to this, right?!

How I Help World Changers

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hashtag social

Social Media Marketing

Which parts of social media drive you ​nuts? Let’s collaborate to make it easier

View Work Samples

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Organic Handdrawn Anniversary Pink Solid Heart

Marketing Mentorship

*Finally* get this marketing thing ​down in a way that works for you

View Client Love

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Copywriting Services

Websites, blogs, you name it! Words ​are *kinda* my thing

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Modern Scribble Oblong

About Emily Poe

As a young girl, you could find me on Microsoft ​word creating brochures for my pretend dance ​classes or writing poetry. And honestly, not much ​has changed! These days I get to play around with ​my Macbook and Canva, but my passion and mission ​remains the same. To use words + concepts to move ​people and businesses into transformation.

BTS, I’m a single unschooling mama and Doula. In ​my free time, you can find me cookin up a storm ​with my cast iron skillets or dancing at a live music ​event!


Social Media Marketing

After Baby RN’s

Postpartum Nursing Agency


All moms do this,

We underestimate just how much motherhood puts on our plate. We ​try to push through when we really need help. Sometimes to our own ​detriment. On top of that, we tend to get a little hard on ourselves ​about what we did or didn’t do all day, despite our need for rest and ​recovery.

Here's your reminder that you aren’t designed to do

  • motherhood
  • breastfeeding
  • postpartum

alone. You’re meant to have supportive people around you, so you ​can rest and be present for yourself and your baby. That's what we’re ​here for. Our team of nurses are here to help you have a restful and ​supported postpartum.

#postpartumhelp #postpartumfamily #postpartumlife ​#postpartumdoula #postpartumnurse #dfwmom

Results + Love

Social Media Marketing

Kayla Levine - Energy Healer


What if we saw pain as a messenger?

Your body is trying to communicate it’s needs with you…

And what if we chose to listen, not ignore?

Most people either ignore their aches and pains because they don’t know what to do next, or they use heaps of ​remedies without actually asking their body what it wants.

Empower yourself by learning what questions to ask your body, and how to receive answers in my upcoming ​masterclass “Muscle Testing For Moms.” Dm me to claim your spot or click the link in my bio to sign up. I’ll see you ​there! -Kayla

Results + Love

1:1 Marketing Mentorship

If you’re tired of scouring Instagram and google for marketing ​advice only to end up confused and overwhelmed, but you’re not ​ready to outsource the work, my mentorship is for you!

I want to help you

Create content efficiently + consistently

Feel comfortable being YOU online

Get clients from your content

Confidently hit the “post” button without second guessing!

How it Works

Brainstorm Session

This 90 minute session will h​elp you gain clarity on 1-2 o​f your biggest roadblocks in m​arketing. You’ll get a doc f​illed with notes and next s​teps to implement right a​way!

8 Week Package

Things come up along the ​way, and implementing is ​where most fall off the ​wagon! Over 8 weeks we will ​meet weekly, deep diving ​into your strategy, messaging ​and mindset as you build ​momentum in your ​marketing!

Modern Scribble Oblong

More Client Love :)

If you’re ready to step further ​into your CEO era without ​dropping your marketing,

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